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Governance Workshops

It all starts with good governance. This engaging one-day workshop is for any organization that recognizes that good governance must come first. Covering governance concepts, principles, tools, duties, and roles and responsibilities, this course if for new and seasoned directors alike.

Economic Development

Our economic development workshops can be scaled to meet your needs. Ranging from 1 hour to 2 days, it all depends on how deep you want to go. Suitable for both community leaders and economic development professionals, this workshop will have you thinking about your community's economy in new and exciting ways. Want a quick taste of what we'll cover? Watch this video.

Government, Industry and First Nations Relationships

It's a foundational relationship, but far too few Canadians understand the history and ramifications of this relationship on themselves and their organizations. Don't be one of them. This half-day or full-day workshop will help you understand the dynamics and importance of government, industry, and First Nations relations.

Social Innovation / Applied Systems Thinking

Great leaders think in systems. The greatest leaders figure out how to shift systems in ways that benefit everyone. Ranging from two hours to two days, this workshop focuses on systems thinking concepts and tools that you can apply to any complex problem.

Introduction to Business / Business Basics

With one, two, and three-day options, this hands-on workshop introduces basic business concepts and brings participants through a business planning process. It even gives the participants the opportunity to apply what they've learned.  Suitable for anyone curious about starting their own business, including youth.

Learning from the Land

The land has a lot to teach. Our  land-based workshops will help you get away from the everyday and into different ways of thinking and being. Customized to meet your needs, side effects may include profound insights and moments of joy.

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